Thursday, June 2, 2011

Feeling the Love at NTA

As you can see, the Reading Rewards Celebration at National Teachers Academy was a love fest. That's Slugger giving a kiss.

The students received their Summer Reading Fun Packs, chose books to keep and to pass along, and had a chance to say good-bye to their canine reading buddies.

These celebrations are a great opportunity for major donors to see what they make possible and we were happy to have two visitors--Maggie Mastellone from Allied World Assurance Company and Caitlin Rosberg. Caitlin presented SSR with a $5,000 check from the Kluth Family Foundation. Through her job at Caitlin had the opportunity to choose a nonprofit to receive a grant and we were honored that she chose SitStayRead.

Thank you to all our donors for making these Reading Reward Celebrations possible and for giving our students the tools they need to keep reading and writing all summer long!