Friday, March 19, 2010

A Surprise from Ms. Schmidt's Class!

This week we received a delightful surprise from Ms. Schmidt's 2nd graders at Lowell Elementary. The students loved Sit Stay Read SO much that they each wrote their own story about their favorite memory with the dogs and volunteers.

Ms. Schmidt was kind enough to bind the heartfelt stories into a book for Sit Stay Read to keep. What a special treat to have these wonderful stories in the office! Take a look through a few of our personal favorites from the kids. The illustrations are fantastic, too!

Thank you Ms. Schmidt and all of the students for putting a big smile on our faces!

1 comment:

Johanna said...

"Now I can write stories." That's what I love about SSR -- you're opening the door for so many children! "I love that dog!" That's my favorite quote!

Keep up the good work!!!